Branding Guidelines
Primary Logo
Secondary Logo
Only for use if primary logo is impractical

In order to preserve the integrity of the Primary Logotype, it is important that no other logos, type or other graphic elements infringe on its space. The minimum clearspace to be around the logotype is equivalent to 1/2 of the height of the logotype.

Minimum Digital Size - 100px width | Minimum Print Size - 0.8" width
Improper Use


RGB:34, 166, 223 | CMYK:34, 166, 223 | Pantone:S/C 2171 C
RGB:51, 113, 183 | CMYK:72, 38, 0, 28 | Pantone:S/C 7683 C

RGB: 42, 145, 207 | CMYK: 80, 30, 0, 19 | Pantone: S/C 279 C

RGB: 51, 51, 51 | CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 80 | Pantone: S/C Black 7 C

RGB: 36,40,47 | CMYK: 23,15,0,82 | Pantone: S/C 426 C

Source Sans Pro
Is the primary brand font and should be used alongside the Madwire® brand when possible.

In order to preserve the integrity of the Primary Logotype, it is important that no other logos, type or other graphic elements infringe on its space. The minimum clearspace to be around the logotype is equivalent to 1/2 of the height of the logotype.

Partner Lockups
Logotype partner lockups should be scaled to the aproximate same size and center aligned . The minimum clearspace to be around the logotype is equivalent to 1/2 of the height of the logotype. The correct space between partner logo lockups is equivalent to the height of the logotype, with an added divider.
Improper Use

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